Marty Natalegawa’s Speech on IISS Conference; A Transcription
Thank you very much john, Excellencies,
the friends and colleagues. I’d like to begin by joining other [..] spoken
before me in thanking the IISS and especially of course of host government, the
government and people of Columbia for their hospitality and the warm welcome that
have been extended to all of us here in the beautiful city of Cartagena.
May also begin by paying tribute to the
tremendous intellectual leadership that the IISS has shown over the years in
promoting the dialogue, in promoting cooperation in many parts of the world, not
least in the Asia Pacific and through this meeting between Asia Pacific and
Latin America as well. I’ve been asked to speak this morning little bit on the
issue of an agenda for Trans Pacific Cooperation. I believe this is a very
timely and important subject matter. Not least because of the geopolitical and
the geo-economic shifts that we are seeing throughout the world marked among
others by the increasing prominence of countries of Asia Pacific and of course
countries here in Latin America.
And therefore what we do as regions;
the Pacific, Asia Pacific and Latin America will have implications far beyond
our own shores, it will have implications globally and therefore we have an
opportunity here to get it right and therefore making a meaningful impact on
global developments. I’d like to begin with the thought I have shared yesterday
as well, in wanting to promote or identify a Pacific agenda, one must not be
remised of the already existing agenda and processes that is prevalent within
our region. And in mentioning them now I am not trying to discourage further
efforts between the communications between the Pacific, Asia Pacific and Latin
America, but simply wanting to place our current efforts in a wider context. So
that we ensure that there is a value adding contribution that we will be
making. I am most familiar, naturally speaking, of the various efforts that
ASEAN has made in our part of the world; the so called ASEAN led-processes or
efforts that demonstrate ASEAN’s centrality in architecture building in East
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All of you in this room no doubt are
very familiar with the ongoing ASEAN community efforts that is now to be
completed at the end of this year, in 2015, after more than a decade of
efforts, an ASEAN Community, the economic domain, political-security domain as
well as in the social-cultural domain. An effort that it has been consuming all
countries in ASEAN. But beyond our own internal ASEAN efforts, ASEAN has at the
same time been facilitating and initiating several processes the so-called
ASEAN+1’s with China, with Korea, with Japan, Australia and others. ASEAN+3,
the East Asia Summit, the ASEAN Regional Forum, whether it [would] be on
political-security issues and as well not least on economic and trade
facilitation efforts.
Many of you would be familiar for
example with the current ongoing efforts on the Regional Comprehensive Partnership
that ASEAN is initiating with the dialogue partners and which is also set to
conclude or to make substantial progress by the end of this year. I mentioning those
again to illustrate how congested and how prolific is this type of architecture
building efforts in the eastern part of our Pacific. Of course beyond ASEAN we
are familiar with other processes; APEC, with this effort through promotion of
the free-trade for the Pacific idea. The TPP, the Trans Pacific Partnership, (to be continued..)